"Switch Seats/Structured Academic Controversy"
Participants argue both sides of a controversial issue with divergent positions and then negotiate an agreement between the two sides.
Instructional Strategies
1. Have participants discuss various controversial issues from current events, from history (whether to drop the A-bomb on Hiroshima), from Science (stem cells), from English Literature (HamletÃs decision) or Math (taxes or economic allocations/distribution).
2. As a large group, select one issue to debate.
3. Divide the large group into two smaller groups.
4. Have participants argue one side of an argument
5. Then, have them switch sides and argue the other side.
6. Finally, facilitate negotiation on an agreement between the two sides.
7. Debrief as a group before problem solving for solutions.
Participant Tasks
1. Discuss various controversial issues from current events, from history (whether to drop the A-bomb on Hiroshima), from Science (stem cells), from English Literature (HamletÃs decision) or Math (taxes or economic allocations/distribution).
2. As a large group, select one issue to debate.
3. Divide into two smaller groups.
4. Your and your group will argue one side of an argument
5. Then, you will switch sides and argue the other side.
6. Finally, both groups will negotiate an agreement between the two sides.
7. Debrief as a group before problem solving for solutions.