Scott Nishimoto

Rotating Facilitators

A way to build commitment, buy-in and skills is to alternate between facilitators during family meetings or classroom group work. Teach youth the skills of effective facilitation, including courtesy, careful listening, time management, and organization of ideas. They should routinely reflect on the challenges of effective facilitation and brainstorm solutions to address those challenges. Thus

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Rose and Thorn

A very simple communication and exploration exercise that can take place with youth and adults just about anywhere. Ideally, it would be used in a calm setting with all participants focused on the activity, such as at mealtime or bed time. Each person is asked to share a rose (the best, special, or most positive

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Roots of Empathy

An international evidence-based K-8 classroom program (started in Canada in 1996), which has shown significant effect in reducing levels of aggression among school children while raising social/emotional competence and increasing empathy. The mission is to build caring, peaceful, and civil societies through the development of empathy in children and adults. The “emotional literacy” taught in

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Rewind It

Take a current event or an event within the classroom, school, family or community. If we were to rewind this event, how would we rebuild the story? When were there critical points of challenge or failure? What would we have done at those critical points? With young children, this can be used when debriefing a

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