

It is important to talk with youth about labels and the stereotypes that go along with them. Do peers call your child a “jock” or a “geek”? Does your child use these terms (or others) to describe their peers? Discuss how labels can be limiting, unfounded, and also cruel. Explain that labels do not define

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Identify Needs & Interests

More likely than not, when people are angry or upset, they are expressing their “position” or a hardline stance on something. It’s important to teach youth how to identify underlying needs and interests by asking open-ended questions to learn more. “Tell me more…,” “What would you like to see happen?,” “What do you need?” etc.

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How does it feel?

After analyzing the information surrounding a problem or challenge, what is your reaction? Were the systems fair? Why or why not? Identify one or two youth to do video interviews with fellow children/students to learn their reactions. Compile them into one video piece. For young children, this can be facilitated by parents, caregivers or teachers

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Learn about Ho‘oponopono, the Hawaiian system for ‘setting it right,’ and restoring individual and community harmony and balance. It promotes acts of healing interpersonal conflicts and is relationship-centered and not agreement-centered. It often involves forgiveness. During Ho‘omalu, practitioners sit in solitude and gather strength prior to speaking one’s true feelings. With all family members working

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Fist of 5

A way of measuring how everyone is feeling about a process. A useful tool to use as a check-in throughout a process. People show fingers to display their “feeling number,” 5 being fully satisfied/supported, 0 being not happy/not supported at all. Address what could be changed or improved if participants show 0-3s, and evaluate the

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