My Filters:



"Conflict Resolution Drama"



Participants will create and perform skits that demonstrate positive approaches to conflict resolution utilizing active listening and other pro-social behaviors.

Instructional Strategies

1. Have participants form small groups of two to four.

2. Hand out a sample age-typical conflict.

3. Tell them they must create two skits.

4. One skit will demonstrate how not to solve a conflict through the incorporation of Òpoison wordsÓ (that utilize anger and blame)

5. The other skit will demonstrate how to best solve a conflict through the use of conflict resolution tools such as: ÒIÓ Statements, Active Listening, and Reframing.

6. These conflicts can be dramatized versions of history in a social studies class or be used with math and economics to understand labor history, allocation of resources, or class conflicts

Participant Tasks

1. Form small groups of two to four.

2. Create two skits based on typical conflict for people your age.

3. One skit will demonstrate how not to solve a conflict through the incorporation of Òpoison wordsÓ (that utilize anger and blame)

4. The other skit will demonstrate how to best solve a conflict through the use of conflict resolution tools such as: ÒIÓ Statements, Active Listening, and Reframing.
