"Intellectual Safety"
Participants establish clear boundaries for intellectual safety, so everyone feels safe sharing ideas or asking questions.
Instructional Strategies
1. To develop respectful relationships between all members of a group or community (classroom, team, family unit, etc.), state: All participants in our community, youth and adults, must feel free to ask any question or state any opinion as long as respect for all persons is honoredÃ.
2. This statement can be written and displayed prominently.
3. Facilitate a discussion among group members about the kind of environment they all want to create.
4. List examples (ie. honesty, eye contact, positive feedback) and counter-examples (ie. lying, name-calling, interrupting) of an intellectually safe place.
5. All participants make an agreement to put words into practice.
6. For a next step, facilitate the creation of a Talking Stick or Community Ball (see activities: Talking Stick or Community Ball).
Participant Tasks
1. You will feel encouraged to ask any question or state any opinion as long as respect for all persons is honoredÃ.
2. Discuss among your group members the kind of environment you want to create.
3. List examples (ie. honesty, eye contact, positive feedback) and counter-examples (ie. lying, name-calling, interrupting) of an intellectually safe place.
4. Make an agreement to practice those words.