"Leader in Me program from Franklin Covey"
Program, Organization, Train The Trainer
A comprehensive-school improvement model based on Franklin Covey theories, developed in partnership with educators. The model empowers students with the leadership and life skills they need to thrive in the 21st century. The Leader in Me experience begins with a whole new paradigm for education.Educators rediscover their passion through Leader in Me as it redirects their focus back to a deeper understanding of student achievement.
CASEL-Endorsed Social Emotional Learning Program
A principle-based approach to leadership and life skills.
With origins dating back to the late 90’s, Leader in Me was launched in 2008 as a solution to drive results in leadership, culture, and academics. In 2018, it was evaluated by
Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL), and met their requirements to be listed as a SELect Program – an important designation for many of our education clients. Leader in Me also aligns with Character Education, 21st Century Skills, Whole Child Development, and other various student development paradigms. Leader in Me supports staff and students as they:
- Understand and manage emotions
- Set and achieve positive goals
- Feel and show empathy for others
- Establish and maintain positive relationships
Leader in Me teaches foundational principles and skills that are widely accepted as essential to personal leadership such as responsibility, vision, time management, communication, collaboration, relationship building, and wellness, in order to serve all students in all communities.
See-Do-Get Cycle
A model that creates new paradigms, effective practices, and real results
Leader in Me is based on a theory of change known as the See-Do-Get Cycle. When you change the way you See things, it influences what you Do and the results you Get.
© 2020 Franklin Covey Co.