"Mindful Breathing"
Participants learn a breathing technique that will allow them to destress when they find themselves upset.
Instructional Strategies
1. Teach participants how to belly breathe: have them lie down and put their hands on their bellies.
2. Ask them to see how deeply they can breathe in and how slowly they can breathe out.
3. Have the participants practice this deep breathing.
4. Guide participants to put their hands on their bellies and breathe deeply when they find themselves angry.
5. When they are stressed or angry, encourage them to sit or lie down in a peaceful area of your home or classroom and practice deep breathing.
Participant Tasks
1. Lie down and put your hands on your belly.
2. See how deeply you can breathe in and how slowly you can breathe out.
3. Practice this deep breathing.
4. When you find yourself angry, put your hands on your belly and breathe deeply.
5. When you feel stressed or angry, remember to sit or lie down in a peaceful area of your home or classroom and practice deep breathing.