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"Neighborhood Walkabout"



With gloves and buckets, walk the neighborhood and pick up rubbish off of sidewalks, in public parks, or on the beach. Combine with lessons about where rubbish comes from and where it goes, and how we can minimize our production of waste.

Instructional Strategies

Convene your group. Participants will take part in picking up rubbish in their community, as well as learn to minimize future production of waste. Discuss the community conditions. Determine what public areas may benefit from volunteer clean up and attention. Decide as a group what areas to approach, whether permissions will be required. Develop a plan. Support participants as they prepare and proceed.

Participant Tasks

1. Form a community clean up brigade.

2. With gloves and buckets, walk the neighborhood and pick up rubbish off of sidewalks, in public parks, or on the beach.

3. Read and discuss with your friends or classmates: Where does rubbish come from? Where does it go? How can we minimize our production of waste?
