"Next Time Commitments"
After resolving a conflict, participants will agree to a set of commitments that will deter a similar conflict from happening again.
Instructional Strategies
1. When you are facilitating a conflict resolution process, guide participants through a resolution process.
2.Have participants make commitments to one another and to their community about how they will do things differently next time.
3. Document the commitment and keep it in a safe place.
4. If possible, have them set a time frame for meeting the commitment/obligation.
Participant Tasks
1. When you are involved in a conflict resolution process, make commitments to one another and to the community about how you will do things differently next time.
2. Document the commitment and keep it in a safe place. If appropriate, sign the document.
3. Set a time frame for meeting the commitment/obligation.
© Ceeds of Peace 2020