"Centre for Clinical Interventions"

The Centre for Clinical Interventions (CCI) is a specialist clinical psychology service in Perth,... more
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The Centre for Clinical Interventions (CCI) is a specialist clinical psychology service in Perth,... more
Imagine a world where no one gets hurt, a world where no one is teased or bullied, a world where ... more
Action Plan
Kanuikapono Hawaiian-focused Public Charter School incorporated the power of the Social Emotional... more
Action Plan
Deborah Van Nacher teaches peace education in a high school located at a college.
Her stude... more
At this school, there are some children who push and tease and bully. Sometimes they hurt other k... more
Content, Course, Program, Organization
True Peace is more than the absence of war; it requires the presence of justice and c... more
Action Plan
A Peace Garden and multi-language Peace Pole was erected at the County of Hawai`i’s Offic... more
The Collaborative for Academic| Social| and Emotional Learning (CASEL) is a trusted source for kn... more
“It’s a pillar,” says one. “It’s a fan,” says another. One by... more
Program, Organization
CANVAS disseminates knowledge about the use of nonviolent resistance to promote human rights and ... more