"Conflict Resolution Drama"

Participants will create and perform skits that demonstrate positive approaches to conflict resol... more
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Participants will create and perform skits that demonstrate positive approaches to conflict resol... more
Course, Program, Organization, Grad Undergrad Certificate Program
A quarterly educational program designed to help improve resilience and connection to others, ult... more
Participants gain understanding of their own perspectives and the perspectives of others in the a... more
The Community Tool Box helps people take action| teach| and train others in organizing for commun... more
A young boy discusses his divorced father’s new living situation, in which the father and h... more
Participants use art, media, song, and dance to create more impactful messaging and understanding... more
Participants create a chart of individual values and expectations, highlighting commonly shared v... more
Content, Course
Participants practice concentration, togetherness, and awareness of one another while playing a c... more
Course, Train The Trainer
Michigan Model for Health (MMH) addresses major youth health risk behaviors at every grade level,... more
Participants create contracts to mitigate conflict within their community or family highlighting ... more