"Kindness in the Classroom"
Course, Program, Organization, Train The Trainer

Kindness in the Classroom curriculum is a Tier 1 evidenced-based social emotional learning curric... more
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Course, Program, Organization, Train The Trainer
Kindness in the Classroom curriculum is a Tier 1 evidenced-based social emotional learning curric... more
Participants can use a stoplight as a visual representation for their emotions and direct themsel... more
Young Nikolai is searching for the answers to his three questions:
When is the best time to... more
Each participant builds compassion and collaboration skills by carefully listening to their partn... more
Course, Program, Train The Trainer
RULER aims to infuse the principles of emotional intelligence into the immune system of preK to 1... more
Participants take part in a treasure hunt that requires careful analysis of the clues and collabo... more
More than anything, William wants a doll. ÃDonÃt be a creep,Ã says his brother. ÃSiss... more
WeÃd all like to consider ourselves helpful people, but are we always quick to lend a hand whe... more
Action Plan
This is an extensive Action Plan that resulted from teacher and counselor participation with Ceed... more
Action Plan
This action plan involved an elementary school adopting a “Philosophy 4 Children” (P4... more