"Anne Frank by Yona Zeldis McDonouh"
Here is the story of Anne Frank, who, from 1942 to 1944, hid from the Nazis with her family in a ... more
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Here is the story of Anne Frank, who, from 1942 to 1944, hid from the Nazis with her family in a ... more
Amos the mouse and Boris the whale: a devoted pair of friends with nothing at all in common, exce... more
Links to educator resources (lessons, films, books, readings, teaching guides) for Black Lives Ma... more
Content, Train The Trainer
HI DOE Chief of Staff relates the “higher skills” of the Cs (soft skills) to traditio... more
Moving, meaningful comments from participants- what they got out of their peacebuilding training.... more
Content, Program
For parents/caregivers to understand and support the social and emotional development of children... more
This is a small, charming book with wonderful illustrations by the author on each page. It can ea... more
Participants will look into current event articles written from various perspectives to compare a... more
Mr. Lincoln is the coolest principal ever! He knows how to do everything, from jumping rope to le... more
Course, Program, Organization, Grad Undergrad Certificate Program
A quarterly educational program designed to help improve resilience and connection to others, ult... more