"Kindness Tree"

Participants will role-play acts of kindness and keep track of the thoughtful acts being shared b... more
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Participants will role-play acts of kindness and keep track of the thoughtful acts being shared b... more
Course, Program, Organization, Train The Trainer
Kindness in the Classroom curriculum is a Tier 1 evidenced-based social emotional learning curric... more
Participants will fold origami fortune tellers labeled with acts of kindness to remind them of ki... more
Participants will learn to balance being kind to one another and holding their ground.
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Scarlett Lewis, mother of Jessie Lewis who was murdered at Sandy Hook, presents the Jessie Lewis ... more
At this school, there are some children who push and tease and bully. Sometimes they hurt other k... more
Although the country is at war, terrorists strike at random, and widespread rationing is in effec... more
Participants will learn to calm themselves in tense situations to avoid losing control of their e... more
Family bonds, and kindness from the community, make for a poignant story of two children, Sarah a... more
Harmony SEL is a social and emotional learning program for Pre-K-6 grade students, accessible onl... more