"Mix, Pair, Share"

Participants will pair up and engage in conversation to enhance their collaboration and communica... more
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Participants will pair up and engage in conversation to enhance their collaboration and communica... more
Course, Program, Organization, Grad Undergrad Certificate Program
A quarterly educational program designed to help improve resilience and connection to others, ult... more
Good behavior in children is positively reinforced by suggesting a better way to do things instea... more
A person going through a significant life change feels the support of collective hopes and dreams... more
Participants establish clear boundaries for intellectual safety, so everyone feels safe sharing i... more
Jamie Lee Curtis and Laura Cornell, the #1 New York Times bestselling team behind Today I Feel Si... more
Harmony SEL is a social and emotional learning program for Pre-K-6 grade students, accessible onl... more
Content, Program, Organization
A Google® study on performance found that the seven top skills for success in STEM jobs are soci... more
Participants will write poetry that can help to solidify their identity and learn more about thei... more
Participants will learn to use reframing to defuse anger and keep dialogue open and positive, fre... more