"Warm Up Activities by Annie Cusick from Children’s Theatre @ Ceeds"
Content, Train The Trainer

Annie Cusik, writer, producer, educator of Childrens theatre — collaborate with Ceeds of Pe... more
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Content, Train The Trainer
Annie Cusik, writer, producer, educator of Childrens theatre — collaborate with Ceeds of Pe... more
Content, Train The Trainer
Wally Lau, founder of Hokupa`a, talks about the Hawaiian approach to community relations and conf... more
Participants identify a person or group of people in need, gather donations, and deliver the dona... more
What happens when you have a spat with your best bunny buddy? You might hop, hop, hop in differen... more
Participants exercise their critical thinking skills as they attempt to identify an unknown objec... more
“Tutu Knows Best” is the heartwarming tale of a large Hawaiian family and their troub... more
What simpler way could there be to express to children the beauty and the harmony in the world ar... more
Participants are reminded of their interconnectedness with others, reinforced by the visual of a ... more
Participants relate their own physical and emotional feelings to weather terms and express them i... more
WE ARE A RAINBOW helps young readers begin building the cultural bridges of common human understa... more