"Peer Messaging"
After a situation is resolved, it is important that both sides share a mutual agreement to follow the proposed resolution and to let peers know that the conflict that has been resolved.
Instructional Strategies
1. To avoid the tendency for both youth and adults to Ãtake sidesà during conflicts and after resolution has been achieved, ensure that those involved in the conflict let their peers know about the resolution.
2. Facilitate communication to all that those who were involved in the conflict are committed to ending the conflict.
3. Facilitate community commitment to building the capacity to support one another.
Participant Tasks
1. Let your peers know about the resolution to the conflict that has been resolved.
2. Be sure to communicate to your peers that all that those who were involved in the conflict are committed to ending the conflict.
3. Work to support one another in your community.
© Ceeds of Peace 2020