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"Rotating Facilitators"



Participants will take turns facilitating discussions and practice universal skills of active listening and participation.

Instructional Strategies

1. Designate a participant to be the facilitator at a family meeting or during classroom group work and establish a system to have different alternate facilitators at each meeting in order to build commitment, buy-in, and facilitation skills .

2. Model the skills of effective facilitation, including courtesy, careful listening, time management, and organization of ideas.

3. Have participants routinely reflect on the challenges of effective facilitation and brainstorm solutions to address those challenges to constantly improve the process for the next facilitator.

Participant Tasks

1. When itÕs your turn to be the facilitator at a family meeting or during classroom group work be sure to embrace the skills of an effective facilitator - courtesy, careful listening, time management, and organization of ideas.

2. Reflect on the challenges of effective facilitation and brainstorm solutions to address those challenges to constantly improve the process for the next facilitator.
