My Filters:






Each participant builds compassion and collaboration skills by carefully listening to their partner as they share ideas about an issue. During a group share-out and discussion, each partner represents their partner. When partners entrust feelings and ideas to each other, they deepen their connections as a community.

Instructional Strategies

1. Select a current issue.

2. Have participants think individually and record their views about the issue.

3. Then, have them pair up and share their ideas with their partner.

4. Remind participants to listen to their partner carefully; each participant will represent their partnerÕs position in a group share-out and discussion.

Participant Tasks

1. Select a current issue.

2. Think individually and record your views about the issue.

3. Then, pair with a partner and share your ideas.

4. Listen to your partner carefully; you will represent your partnerÕs position in a group share-out and discussion.
