Accelerating the unique challenges of rural and remote places, COVID-19 has exacerbated existing stressors on youth, family and communities. In response to the impacts of COVID-19, the purpose of the Resiliency Hubs for Communities, Families and Schools project is to promote equitable access to education by empowering schools in disadvantaged and/or rural communities to strengthen community partnerships, promote trauma sensitive practice and enhance coordination of wraparound prevention/intervention services for children and families.
This program was launched in late 2020 and will continue over the next three years, thanks to the support of the Hawaiʻi Community Foundation and the Weinberg Foundation. Together with our partners — Hawaiʻi Afterschool Alliance and Papa Ola Lokahi — we will aim to achieve the following goals:
1. Create a system of support where schools are better equipped to serve students’ diverse needs, including but not limited to their most basic needs as well as their academic needs.
2. Build capacity for community providers, parents, school support staff to better support students through positive behavioral and mental health interventions and prevention.
3. Enhance student resilience by delivering wrap-around services, SEL instruction in conjunction with behavioral and mental health of students.
As a result of our efforts, at least
1,000 students will receive social and emotional learning (SEL) to gain social and emotional competencies integral to their healthy development;
600 teachers, staff and community partners will receive training on SEL and trauma sensitive pedagogy;
60 high risk students and their families will receive specialized support through Student Resilience Plans and delivery of comprehensive support services; and
12 school counselors will receive specialized American School Counselor Association training.This project focuses on Social Emotional Learning skills in students, Trauma Informed Care practices for educators, and Resiliency in families and communities.
Project Partners:
Ceeds of Peace, HawaiiKidsCAN, Hawaii Afterschool Alliance, University of Hawai’i Hilo Center for Place Based Social Emotional Development, Kamehameha Schools, and Papa Ola Lokahi.
Pilot elementary schools: Wai’anae, Blanche Pope, Pa’ia, Honaunau and Mountain View.3.