

Provide spaces for youth to practice the skills of mediation between them as well as facilitation of group discussions and problem solving. Hone their skills in active listening, open-ended questions, leading with solutions, etc.  Role playing different scenarios is an effective way to learn to mediate and facilitate. (See also: Rotating Facilitators)

Marketplace of Human Rights

Youth are buyers and sellers in a marketplace activity where human rights are the only commodity. In buying particular human rights and in designating the value of each category of human rights, the aim is to get them to reflect on the importance of each human right before promoting or selling it.


Have youth find at least two photographs from a movement—past or present—against what are perceived as unjust laws. The goal is to find photographs that express both sympathetic and unsympathetic opinions about the protest. They write captions for the photos, explaining what it is about the photograph that makes them think it either supports or …

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